Raffle Update! – 23.9.22

Hello all, after discussing with Emrys, we have decided to postpone the raffle prize draw.

The reason for postponing is simply that we have not sold enough tickets to cover all of the prizes we have collected. So we are extending the raffle until the 15th of January 2023.

We hope that this will be more than enough time for us to get enough tickets sold to ensure all of the prizes are able to be won by separate individuals.

We’ll be emailing everyone that has already purchased a ticket to make sure they know about the change of dates and will be posting an update vlog tomorrow.

We’re very sorry to have to change the date so last minute but we felt this was the fairest option.

Thank you so much to everyone that has already purchased a raffle ticket and if you’d like to know more about the raffle please check out this blog.

Stay Safe & Be Happy

Like Blue’s work and want to show your support? Why not send her a tip or subscribe to her Patreon or OnlyFans*?

*Blue’s OnlyFans is now mostly SFW, all of her NSFW & Explicit content has been moved to her Sex Worker specific accounts which you can find here.

Raffle Information

Hello all!

My partner and I are thrilled to be launching our fundraising raffle this week! 

So I’ve put together this post to tell you all about the raffle, including when it starts and ends, what tickets cost and what prizes you could win.

Let’s start with the important details:

This raffle is open to everyone worldwide but you may be asked to cover your postage costs.

Tickets will cost £2 each or you can buy a strip of 5 tickets for £10.

Tickets go on sale on the 4th of August (2022).

The raffle ends and winners will be selected on the 15th January 2023( 24th of September (2022) The end date has been moved due to not selling enough tickets by the initial end date)

Be sure to put those dates in your diary! I’ll be doing a live stream for the launch of the raffle and for the announcement of the winners so keep an eye out for links to that.


After debating how best to organise the actual raffle ticket side of this raffle we decided that it would be easiest for us to just use physical raffle tickets as that lets us better separate entrants into groups.

So when you buy a ticket your name and email will be written on the back of a ticket and added to a specific group depending on a few different things.

The different groups will be:

  • Based in the UK and/or willing to travel to Glasgow/Central Belt of Scotland, 
  • 18+ and happy to receive an 18+ item (we will ask for proof of age),
  • General tickets

Once the prizes for the separate groups are selected the remaining tickets will be added to the general tickets group, so you’re not limited to only winning one type of prize. We didn’t want someone that was ok travelling to Glasgow to not win that prize and then not have a chance to win anything else, that would be a shame, so the groups allow us to separate the prizes that need to be separated whilst still giving everyone a fair chance to win something cool.

If you ask to be entered into the 18+ group we will likely ask you for some proof that you are 18+, the easiest way is likely going to be a photo ID but I’m looking into other options.

We’re keeping the prices in GBP £ as that’s easiest for us but we will be happy to have people from all over entering this raffle. Please just be aware that you will likely be asked to pay shipping costs if you are outside of the UK.

The main ways we’d prefer to accept payments for tickets are:

  • Direct donations to the JustGiving page.
  • Bank transfers.
  • CashApp.
  • Physical money from in-person sales.

We would really prefer not to use PayPal as the company has a history of not being kind to the communities that myself and my partner belong to but we will use it if there is absolutely no other way for an individual to send a donation.

All money raised will go towards the fundraiser unless we are asked to cover any shipping, import tax or other costs associated with getting the prizes to the winners.


Now for the fun part! Let’s take a look at all of the amazing prizes we’ve managed to collect for our Fundraising Raffle!

These prizes are in no particular order.

  • A £20 digital voucher for Luke & Jack (18+)
  • A copy of the Overlight RPG book from Settlers Hamilton
  • A 1 hour shoot & 10 edited photos from Boundless Photography (Glasgow) (Twitter | Instagram | Website)
  • RPG book(s) from Mitch/Penny For A Tale
  • A pin badge bundle from Blacksmoke1033 (Twitter | Etsy | Patreon)
  • A custom dice tray bundle from Critical Treasures (Twitter | Etsy)
  • A mystery bundle including a t-shirt in your size from Pin & Tonic
  • A sticker bundle from DooDooDoodles (Twitter | Instagram)
  • A collection of beauty items donated by Blue’s Mum:
    • 3 x No.7 Makeup Pallettes 
    • Scentered Candle & lip balm
    • No.7 Summer Essentials (biodegradable makeup wipes, sun protection face cream, mascara, lip balm)
  • A collection of items donated by Blue.
    • A £10 Build A Bear gift card
    • A copy of Truth and Lies: An Anthology of Writing & Art by Sex Workers Edited by National Ugly Mugs and Arika (18+)
  • 3 x A month free pass to Blue’s and to Emrys’ spicy subscription sites donated by Emrys & Blue (18+) (Emrys’ Spicy Site | Blue’s Spicy Site)

Check out these example pics of the prizes!

There is also a small chance that more prizes may be added to this list as the raffle progresses, so stay tuned for updates!

How Do I Get A Ticket?

Great question! If you’re as excited as we are and you’re ready to get yourself some raffle tickets then all you have to do is head over to the Fundraising Page and scroll down to the Fundraising Raffle section.

There’s a contact form there that you will use to say how many tickets you’re looking for, which groups of tickets you want to enter into and what payment method you would like to use. (Please be aware that this will not be available until the 4th of August.)

We know this isn’t the smoothest possible solution but it’s the easiest for us to manage so please do be patient with us.

We will also be aiming to do some raffle ticket sales in person when possible so if you’re based in the Glasgow area keep an eye out for updates!

Final Words

Just to finish up this blog I wanted to once again say how grateful my partner and I are for all of the support that we have received so far. It really does mean so much more than we can put into words.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t donate money, even just sharing our posts means so much.

Thank you all for your amazing positivity and kindness.

Stay Safe & Be Happy x

Like Blue’s work and want to show your support? Why not send her a tip or subscribe to her Patreon or OnlyFans*?

*Blue’s OnlyFans is now mostly SFW, all of her NSFW & Explicit content has been moved to her Sex Worker specific accounts which you can find here.

Getting Back Into My Activist Boots – 18.5.22

Hello everyone!

It’s that time again! That’s right, the Government wants to do some things that will make people’s lives more difficult, so I’m getting out my walking boots, big pieces of cardboard and poster paint and getting ready to be loud in public.

“But Blue, there’s so much to be mad about right now, what is it you’re talking about?”

Well that’s the terrifying truth, isn’t it, haha. 

Despite there being so much going on in the world that is just awful I’m currently focusing on a Bill in the UK that’s called the Online Safety Bill. This Bill has the potential to be devastating to those in the adult industry as well as those that wish to interact with the adult industry.

Seeing as the adult industry is my main source of income and if anything drastic changes then I could face being homeless I’ve moved this Bill to the top of my priority list for the time being.

So what’s it all about? What is the Online Safety Bill? Great questions and if I’m entirely honest, it’s 225 pages of legal jargon that I am continuing to struggle to fully understand. However the sections of the Bill that have me most concerned are the sections that talk about introducing age verification for porn (not an entirely bad thing, just a lot of problems need to be worked out), the potential removal of all online advertising of full service sex work (escort ads) and the fact that the Bill is so vague it could (and likely will) be used to harm people that aren’t doing anything wrong.

I know that’s not a fantastic explanation and I’m sorry I can’t give my usual in depth breakdown of this Bill but it’s honestly too much for one person to try and translate into common.

So instead of telling you everything about this Bill I’m going to tell you what I’m doing to get more on top of it and how you can potentially get involved.

First thing I did – with the help of a very wonderful friend, Jason Domino – was set up a group chat to get all of the people I could involved in the conversation of what we should do.

Then we got to work on picking out specific things that we need to focus on. Currently those things include:

  • Organising in person protests
  • Organising digital protests
  • Creating a piece of “written evidence” to submit to the Government as to why this Bill is potentially so dangerous
  • Connecting with more people to increase our numbers and have more support to tackle this Bill

So that brings me to the part where I tell you how to get involved ^_^

I can’t add everyone to a group chat – that would be far too much to handle – but I can set up a Slack channel (kind of like Discord but leaning more towards professionals) if I get enough interest from people to make it worthwhile.

I’ve also set up a really basic website that we’ll use to post all of our completed documents, graphics and information, so please do check it out (but be patient as it is extremely basic and a definite work in progress). The website is called Fight The Bill and I’ll likely continue to use it for multiple political campaigns so you can bookmark it for my next campaign too haha.

And as always with anything in life, financial support is always appreciated. Currently I’m the main person organising things in the group so I don’t have any separate donation pages set up yet, so if you feel like donating then please just use my usual links.

Once we have the details of the protests finalised (online and in person) then I’ll be sure to direct you all on how you can get involved with those. But they will be happening soon so please keep an eye out.

Having public support on topics like these can be the difference in whether we are taken seriously or not, so it really is important that you engage with this Bill if you can.

I know this was quite a big chunk of text to read and I’m sorry to dive straight into activism and politics before I’ve had a chance to share my London trip photos and thoughts but this is more important.

Hopefully in a week or two when more people are taking the lead on this I’ll be able to calm down a little and go back to posting more light hearted blogs haha.

Until then, Stay Safe & Be Happy x

Like Blue’s work and want to show your support? Why not send her a tip or subscribe to her Patreon or OnlyFans*?

*Blue’s OnlyFans is now mostly SFW, all of her NSFW & Explicit content has been moved to her Sex Worker specific accounts which you can find here.

Unboxing My AoiPastel Kickstarter Rewards! – 11.4.22

Hello, humanoids of the internet!

Today the mail delivery person brought me something exciting, my Kickstarter rewards!

I backed AoiPastel’s Cute Skull Crossbody Bag Kickstarter in January 2021 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aoipastel/cute-skull-crossbody-bag/posts) and although Aoi has had to deal with a ton of difficulties since their project started I was always confident that the final product would be well worth waiting for.

And I was right!

Check out this adorable pastel goth ita bag and accessories!

Photo shows all of the rewards Blue received for the Kickstarter

Here’s a breakdown of all of the items I got as part of the Kickstarter:

  • Cute Skull Crossbody bag – with straps for backpack-style or crossbody style.
  • White skull insert
  • Pink skull insert
  • Purple skull insert
  • Pink bow
  • Purple bow
  • 2 x moon skull magical girl wand pin
  • 2 x star skull magical girl wand pin
  • 2 x crystal skull magical girl wand pin
  • Kickstarter exclusive print
  • Skull button badge
  • Thank you note

The bag itself is fantastic. The fabric inside the bag is really cute. The back pocket is great to have. The skull detail zippers are just adorable! And I love that it can be a backpack or a crossbody bag! 

Photo shows the inside of the bag

One of the things that I adore about this bag is the changeable clip-on accessories for the skull (there were other options available but I opted for the bows). I only wish there had been more colour options haha!

The other great thing is the different coloured skull inserts. It’s a feature that I really love to see in ita bag designs. It gives the bag more options and can mean that you can match it to several different looks which is always fantastic.

As some of you may already know, I love collecting pin badges and the pin badges that were part of this Kickstarter were just too cute! So I had to get 2 of each to make sure that I could gift one of each and keep one for myself haha. Which badge would you choose if you could only pick one?

One of the nicest things about buying from small sellers or Kickstarter projects is the personal touch and little extras. The print, skull button badge and thank you note were all really nice to get and really added a personal touch to the rewards. The other great thing about Aoi was that despite the difficulties they faced, they were brilliant at posting regular updates and keeping everyone informed. I genuinely think they did fantastically and I hope they are having a well-deserved rest now.

All in all I’m over the moon with my rewards and can’t wait to get out and get some photos of my new bag in use!

You can find and support Aoi on social media:

Instagram: @aoipastelpinclub

Twitter: @AoiLeeArt

Titok: @aoipastel 

Keep an eye out for when I do post more pictures because I’m sure they’re going to be adorable!

Thanks for reading. 

Stay Safe & Be Happy!

Like Blue’s work and want to show your support? Why not send her a tip or subscribe to her Patreon or OnlyFans*?

*Blue’s OnlyFans is now mostly SFW, all of her NSFW & Explicit content has been moved to her Sex Worker specific accounts which you can find here.

Blue’s Birthday Month! – 13.1.22

Hello everyone!

January is my birthday month!

I like to take the whole month to celebrate so I have the highest chance of being able to celebrate my birthday with all of my friends, fans and loved ones ^_^ (that and I love to be a drama queen haha).

This year is another year where COVID19 worries have meant that my celebrations have been small and hesitant but that hasn’t stopped me from having a wonderful time.

Plus I got these fantastic gifts from my loved ones ^_^ so how could I possibly be upset? Haha.

I’ve still got some things that I’m trying to plan and get done this month to make sure I get to enjoy my birthday month as much as possible. One of these things is a super fun photo shoot! But I’ll tell you more about that later ;p

As it is my birthday I wanted to let you all know that I’m trying to raise money to get a new camera. I’m aiming for £800 so I have a bit of wiggle room and if I manage to raise any more than I need it will go towards things like memory cards or similar.

Picture shows the 3 main options of cameras that Blue is looking at for her new camera fund as well as a picture of Blue, edited to be wearing a party hat.

If you’re in a position to donate to my new camera fund that would be an amazing birthday present – of course there is absolutely no pressure. You can also check out my wish lists if that’s something you’d be keen to do as a birthday treat – again no pressure.

I’m going to keep the fundraiser up until I manage to raise enough money so if you do want to donate but January isn’t a good month for money, then I totally understand and you can always chip in later.

My hope is that when I get a better camera it will give me the extra boost of motivation I need to really stay on top of my vlogs. I do intend to go back to doing regular vlogs, I just have to sort out a bunch of admin, work and life stuff first haha.

So hopefully you’re having a lovely January and you’ll be able to join me in some way to celebrate my birthday (online events are in the works, more info asap) ^_^

Until next time, Stay Safe & Be Happy!

Like Blue’s work and want to show your support? Why not send her a tip or subscribe to her Patreon or OnlyFans*?

*Blue’s OnlyFans is now mostly SFW, all of her NSFW & Explicit content has been moved to her Sex Worker specific accounts which you can find here.