Getting Back Into My Activist Boots – 18.5.22

Hello everyone! It’s that time again! That’s right, the Government wants to do some things that will make people’s lives more difficult, so I’m getting out my walking boots, big pieces of cardboard and poster paint and getting ready to be loud in public. “But Blue, there’s so much to be mad about right now,Continue reading “Getting Back Into My Activist Boots – 18.5.22”

Unboxing My AoiPastel Kickstarter Rewards! – 11.4.22

Hello, humanoids of the internet! Today the mail delivery person brought me something exciting, my Kickstarter rewards! I backed AoiPastel’s Cute Skull Crossbody Bag Kickstarter in January 2021 ( and although Aoi has had to deal with a ton of difficulties since their project started I was always confident that the final product would beContinue reading “Unboxing My AoiPastel Kickstarter Rewards! – 11.4.22”

Thoughts & Memories Relating To My Sexual Health – 16.12.21

Content Note / Trigger Warning: This blog will discuss sexual health, interacting with medical professionals, relationships (good and bad), teenage pregnancy, abortion, sex work and stigma. (this is also quite a long blog) Today I went for a sexual health check-up, as I do pretty much every month (as long as I can get an appointment).Continue reading “Thoughts & Memories Relating To My Sexual Health – 16.12.21”

Roll To Get Spooky!

Hey everyone! I’ve decided now that I’ve been running my own D&D campaign for a while, that I’m ready to try running a one shot for some other people. Plus it’s my favourite time of year and that deserves to be celebrated! So if you like D&D or if you fancy trying it with meContinue reading “Roll To Get Spooky!”

What’s Going On With OnlyFans? – 25.8.21

Hey everyone! What a crazy few days, eh? The Story So Far On Thursday (19.8.21) news outlets started saying OnlyFans (OF) was getting rid of explicit content, to which OF told creators they weren’t and then on Friday (21.8.21) OF sent out a mass email to all creators to confirm that they were getting ridContinue reading “What’s Going On With OnlyFans? – 25.8.21”